In order to r educe the incident of decay, chlorine is often added to the wash water. The used of refrigerated trucks to transport highly perishable and high value produce will maintain their quality over an extended duration. Produce that are destined for export or supermarket outlets are often subjected to elaborate operations compared to Tilting pad journal bearing manufacturerslocal markets. Damaged, discoloured and decayed parts are removed to make the produce more attractive and prevent infection from the diseased parts.
Proper handling of the produce during transportation is essential to reduce losses to a minimum and to maintain their quality from the farm to the packing house and from packing house to market. The houses can be simple packing sheds with a limited equipment and minimal operations or a large complex that is well equipped and with facilities for specialized operations. The used of refrigerated trucks to transport highly perishable and high value produce will maintain their quality over an extended duration
Proper handling of the produce during transportation is essential to reduce losses to a minimum and to maintain their quality from the farm to the packing house and from packing house to market. Curing initiates the formation of periderm layers at wound areas, thereby reducing moisture loss and microbial infection. It also enables orderly marketing and distribution of produce in time of peak production. It is the rapid removal of field heat from the produce to reduce the rate of respiration, microbial activity and refrigeration load. The use of chemicals should be closely supervised and within the recommended levels for human consumption.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are classified into groups according to a set of recognized criteria of quality and size, with each bearing an accepted name and size grouping. Packages should have adequate ventilation so that produce will not warm up as a result of heat arising from respiration. Temperature requirements for different produce may vary depending on variety, location, stage of maturity and other factors.
Ask family and friends for department store shopping vouchers for Christmas, Birthdays or special occasions instead of (unwanted) presents! If you receive a number of these, you can invest in quality items to expand your wardrobe options.
Remember just dont buy anything. So lets get moving.